
Tuition and Value

Nichols School tuition ranges from $28,375 for our Middle School to $30,450 for our Upper School. However, the average cost of educating a Nichols student is higher. The resulting gap is closed by revenue from the endowment and generous gifts to The Nichols Fund, which faculty, alumni, students, parents, and friends help support each year.
We believe deeply that a Nichols education is an investment in your child and our future as a school. We are dedicated to attracting students from a broad range of economic backgrounds and to ensuring that a Nichols education is available to families regardless of their ability to pay. Assistance is offered through several vehicles, including different payment plans, financial aid and merit scholarships.

Why is tuition what it is?

  • We are committed to attracting and retaining faculty of the highest caliber and providing them with professional development.
  • We are committed to maintaining the unparalleled facilities on our 30- acre campus.
  • We are committed to small class sizes and individual experiences.
  • We are committed to offering a wide scope of programming:
    • 60 different sports teams
    • 4 modern and classical languages
    • 45 student clubs
    • School-wide community service projects
    • College Counseling with personal attention

Affording Nichols

At Nichols School, we have a strong desire to serve all students and their families who can benefit from our exceptional programs. Nichols offers need-based financial aid and merit scholarships to students who have distinguished themselves as outstanding scholars and citizens.

We encourage families with questions about affording a private school education at Nichols School to inquire about financial aid and our merit program. 

List of 4 items.

  • 33%

    Families participate in our affordability program
  • > $2.2m

    awarded to families
  • 10-100%

    of tuition covered by the Affordability Program
  • $13,440

    Average financial aid awarded to a Nichols student

Tuition Costs & Loan Programs

List of 4 items.

  • Tuition for the 2024 - 2025 School Year

  • Additional Expenses

    The tuition fee is inclusive and covers a healthy daily lunch, instructional programs, some sports participation fee/athletic uniforms, technology, studio and laboratory fees, and graduation fees. Other additional expenses include books, field trips and personal athletic equipment, which we estimate at an additional $500-$800.
  • Payment Options

    Pay tuition in full by late June (1% discount)
    An interest-free two-payment plan
    An interest-free nine-payment plan
  • Loan Programs

    Your Tuition Solution, by Springstone Financial LLC, offers 24-84 month extended payment plans. For more information, call 1-800-920-9777 and one of the financing advisors will be happy to assist you.

About Us

Nichols School is a nationally recognized college preparatory coed independent school with a 130-year history.
© 2022 Nichols School - All rights reserved