Browse Curriculum

Upper School Arts

We believe a profound understanding of the arts is essential to a complete education. In our program, students gain this understanding from hands-on involvement in the creative process. We provide students the opportunity to experience as many art forms as possible in addition to pursuing in-depth inquiry in one or more artistic disciplines. 

The arts curriculum encourages students to commit, observe, play, envision, create, collaborate and reflect on the myriad ways they interpret and understand the world we live in and their place within it. Classes explore how the arts link us to our past and present as well as how the arts influence communication and personal expression.
  • Advanced Acting

    Arts Elective

    After a brief review of Konstantin Stanislavski's technique, we focus on the Sanford Meisner acting technique through improvisational "repetition" exercises and scene work. For the second half of the year, we apply improvisation, character analysis and scene analysis techniques to a small ensemble piece to be performed in late spring.

    This year-long class is available only to students who have completed Introduction to Acting Technique or those who have been granted special permission by the instructor.
  • Advanced Acting and Performance Technique

    This experiential studio course will help students develop the tools they need for theatrical performance. Using an ensemble approach, students will discover that voice, body and mind work together to tell a story and bring a character to life. Students will workshop and perform scenes using the Stanislavski and Meisner techniques and produce a full-length play in the fall. In the second half of the year, students will write and act in our One-Act festival. The class will attend a number of productions at local theatres throughout the year and participate in workshops with guest artists. They will also have the opportunity to attend the New York State Theatre Education Association Student Conference. Admission is determined by the Arts Department.
  • Advanced Acting and Performance Technique II

    Building on the first year of Advanced Acting, students will be challenged to dig deeper into the Meisner Technique through improvisation and scene work and expand on vocal and physical technique through the work of Laban, Lessac and Bogart. They will take on leadership roles in the fall production, helping to mentor younger actors in the ensemble. In the second half of the year students will be encouraged to take on director roles on our One-Act festival in addition to acting and writing. The class will attend a number of productions at local theatres throughout the year and participate in workshops with guest artists. They will also have the opportunity to attend the New York State Theatre Education Association Student Conference. Prerequisite: Advanced Acting and Performance Technique I.
  • Advanced Acting and Performance Technique III

    Building on the second year of Advanced Acting, students will be challenged to dig deeper into the Meisner Technique through improvisation and scene work, and expand on vocal and physical technique through the work of Laban, Lessac and Bogart. Students will take on leadership roles in the fall production, helping to mentor younger actors in the ensemble. We will spend time on audition repertoire and technique to prepare students for college theatre. In the second half of the year students will be encouraged to take on director roles in our One-Act festival in addition to acting and writing. The class will attend a number of productions at local theatre throughout the year and participate in workshops with guest artists. They will also have the opportunity to attend the New York State Theatre Education Association Student Conference. Prerequisite: Advanced Acting and Performance Technique II.
  • Advanced Choir

    A year-long commitment, Advanced Choir students work within the choir taking on extra responsibilities and leadership roles. This pathway acknowledges the additional time commitment and work product of students serving as section leaders and/or cabinet members as well as those preparing for All-County and NYS conferences. This designation is reserved for Junior and Seniors who have demonstrated leadership and musicianship skills in at least one previous year of experience/enrollment in Nichols Choir. Admission is determined by the Arts Department.
  • Advanced Concert Choir

    Advanced students work within the choir taking on extra responsibilities and leadership roles. This pathway acknowledges the additional time commitment and work product of students serving as section leaders and/or cabinet members as well as those preparing for All-County and NYS conferences. This designation is reserved for Junior and Seniors who have demonstrated leadership and musicianship skills in at least one previous year of experience/enrollment in Nichols Choir.

    Departmental approval required.
  • Advanced Dance

    For Grades 9-12

    A year-long commitment, Advanced Contemporary Dance is for students who have previous training and often find it difficult to balance a full commitment to the after-school dance program and their outside competition studios. The class meets during X period.

    The advanced dance class has three goals:
    • To develop students who enter the Upper School and have extensive previous training and a passion for dance.
    • To offer an elite performing ensemble as part of the Nichols dance program.
    • To allow these students opportunities to learn contemporary dance techniques that they will encounter in collegiate programs.
    Curriculum will include learning and performing advanced and professional dance repertiore in the fall, choreographic lessons and creation in the winter and subtle somatic techniques and awareness of choreographic forms in the spring. Students will collaborate and view experimental choreographic examples throughout the year. Assessment will include performing in the Fall Dance Concert, the Choreographers' Showcase, school meetings and/or peer teaching opportunities.
  • Advanced Photography

    Arts Elective for Grade 12

    Advanced Photography is a class for students who have a serious interest in photography even though they may not have any experience with formal photographic technique. This class moves quickly through the technical strategies involved in traditional and digital photography. The emphasis of this class is on developing original and individual expression through photography. Students are challenged to address each class projects through the production of a series of photographs. As a final project, students are required to complete an in-depth investigation on one topic. Both digital and traditional photography is accepted for the final project. The class emphasizes building a portfolio of work, and is a suggested prerequisite for the AP Studio Art class. 

    Students are encouraged to have either a 35mm or a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera for this class. Prerequisites for the Advanced Photography course are Visual Thinking and Community or permission from the instructor.
  • Advanced String Orchestra

    A year-long commitment, Orchestra is open to entering ninth grade players of string instruments, as well as 10th-12th grade students as a continuation of ensemble-based musical exploration and performance. Developing aesthetic sensitivity, philosophy of Art, cultural anthropology, proper left and right-hand technique, timing, tone, interpretation, and cultural context are stressed. Emphasis is placed on collaboration, critical thinking, theoretical analysis, and a deeper understanding of ensemble-based synergy. Orchestral literature is varied and challenging, ranging from classical western art music to popular/cinematic styles. Specialized modules and individual musicianship evaluations will occur in a weekly lesson lab. Performances include a minimum of two instrumental concerts.
  • Advanced String Orchestra

    A year-long commitment, Advanced String Orchestra is open to 11th-12th grade string players who have demonstrated advanced musical proficiency and high character in leadership. Working within the Wind Symphony, Advanced members will perform the same literature, but explore the music, technique and theoretical analysis in greater depth and detail. Advanced students will assume leadership roles within the ensemble leading sectionals, assuming cabinet positions or engaging in organizational performance management, and they will interact with the broader community as a Nichols Music Ambassador. Students will perform in student-led chamber ensembles in lieu of a lesson lab. Admission is determined by the Arts Department.
  • Advanced Wind Symphony

    A year-long commitment, Advanced Wind Symphony is open to 11th-12th grade of Woodwind, Brass and Percussion players who have demonstrated advanced musical proficiency and high character in leadership. Working within the Wind Symphony, Advanced members will perform the same literature, but explore the music, technique and theoretical analysis in greater depth and detail. Advanced students will assume leadership roles within the ensemble leading sectionals, assuming cabinet positions or engaging in organizational performance management, and they will interact with the broader community as a Nichols Music Ambassador. Students will perform in student-led chamber ensembles in lieu of a lesson lab.

    Departmental approval required.
  • AP Art and Design

    Arts Elective for Grade 11 and 12

    A capstone course, this class is for students who take their art making seriously and are highly motivated and self-reliant. The work of this class is to make art with fluency and conviction. Students must produce a living, breathing body of work. This class requires a lot of work and promises great reward and satisfaction for jobs well done. The class builds on techniques and concepts that students have acquired in past art courses in the production of new work. 

    This course will challenge the student to become an independent thinker who contributes inventively and critically to their culture through the making of art. The students will build a portfolio of over 20 works. An important component of the class will require each student will build a body of work for the Sustained Investigation section of the portfolio. The Sustained Investigation will demonstrate the individual student’s exploration of an idea or issue that is significant to them. The student will document their process and represent it in the AP portfolio. The course enables students to develop a cohesive body of work investigating a strong underlying visual idea that grows out of a coherent plan of action and investigation.

    Suggested prerequisites for this course are Advanced Photography, Visual Thinking and Community, Photography, Drawing, Painting. 
  • Art of Craft

    Arts Elective for Grades 11 and 12

    This is a course for juniors and seniors with limited hands-on experience, but an interest in making. Through the introduction of fine craft, students explore carving, forming, sewing, printing, and weaving both utilitarian and decorative objects over the course of this year-long arts elective. Students actively create individual and group-designed projects within a supportive and collaborative class community. Shorter projects introduce new concepts and build confidence before applying these ideas to extended student-driven works. Emphasis is placed on the exploration of materials to express ideas. Students are introduced to multicultural and historical means of art making and exposed to local artistic resources through multiple field trips throughout the year. Printmaking, fiber, sculpture and installation are explored in the creation of both two- and three-dimensional projects. A visual journal is also kept.
  • Choir

    A year-long commitment, Nichols Choir is an ensemble requiring rigor, joy and a commitment to growth and collaboration. The class is open to all Upper School students interested in developing their own voices within the context of a larger group experience. Emphasis is placed on the development of vocal skills, beginning sight singing techniques, and music listening skills. Additionally, students will explore a variety of musical styles from different perspectives, cultures and historical periods. Admission is determined by the Arts Department after audition.
  • Concert Choir

    Nichols Choir is an ensemble requiring rigor, joy and a commitment to growth and collaboration. The class is open to all Upper School students interested in developing their own voices within the context of a larger group experience. Emphasis is placed on the development of vocal skills, beginning sight-singing techniques, and music listening skills. Additionally, students will explore a variety of musical styles from different perspectives, cultures and historical periods.
  • Exploring Concepts in Art and Design

    This hands-on studio course offers students the opportunity to enhance their artistic skills through an immersive exploration of various media and techniques, including drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, and experimental art media. Focused on fostering creativity and encouraging calculated risk-taking, students will gain confidence in their artistic voices while advancing their technical expertise. By understanding art as a means of communication, students will engage in the richness of multiple interpretations and be encouraged to use their work as a platform for expressing unique perspectives and messages. Through innovative projects and thoughtful discussions, students will analyze how different materials and techniques shape their artistic expressions. This course is ideal for students who are eager to engage deeply with the creative process and is highly recommended for those considering enrollment in AP Art and Design.
  • Exploring Concepts in Drawing and Painting

    Arts Elective for Grades 11 and 12

    This course embraces multiple approaches to a topic by pushing the boundaries of medium and technique to explore ideas through visual communication. Students develop observational skills, explore expressive mark making, use color theory and gain hands-on experience while creating a diverse and content-rich portfolio. Multiple mediums are explored which may include various types of graphite, ink, printmaking, watercolor crayons, acrylic paint and charcoal as well as more experimental mediums. Students participate in classroom discussions, critiques and group activities in addition to creating individual projects and keeping a visual journal. Students may participate in one or more art service projects as part of the curriculum. Shorter projects introduce new concepts and build confidence before applying these ideas to extended student-driven works. Conceptual units may include ideas of identity/portraiture, time/motion and space. Students are introduced to multicultural and historical means of art making and are exposed to local artistic resources through multiple field trips throughout the year and workshops with visiting artists.
  • Filmmaking and Video Production I

    Arts Elective for Grades 11 and 12

    This course challenges students to use the tools of digital filmmaking in the production of original, creative and thought-provoking work. The use of digital video cameras, lighting, microphones, audio editing software, video editing software and post-production techniques are introduced and taught through projects. Students are asked to produce several short original works in a range of genres that include animation, narrative, experimental, documentary and performance/video art. In order to better understand time-based media, super 8mm film production, wet processing and hand coloring are explored. 

    In addition to making films, video and audio works, the class spends time looking and analyzing a variety of films and videos by local, national and international artists. In the spring the class curates and produces the Flick Fest, an annual film festival that features work from Western New York and Southern Ontario student filmmakers. The students in the class work to launch the festival at the North Park Theatre. 

    Suggested prerequisites for this course are sophomore art electives Visual Thinking and Community.
  • Filmmaking, Video Production 2 and Screenwriting

    Arts Elective for Grade 12

    This course builds on the Filmmaking and Video Production 1 class and further challenges students to use the tools of digital filmmaking in the production of original, creative and thought-provoking work. The Advanced Filmmaking and Video Production 2 class explores the process and craft of screenwriting. The students analyze existing screenplays and critique the resulting films during the first weeks of the course. The students write an original screenplay for a short narrative work in the first quarter. During the second quarter, they produce their own original work using students in the Filmmaking and Video Production 1 class as their crew. In the spring, the class experiments with 8mm film and video installation. Students also curate and produce the Flick Fest, an annual film festival that features work from Western New York and Southern Ontario student filmmakers. The students in the class work to launch the festival at North Park Theatre. 

    Prerequisites for this course are permission of the instructor, sophomore art electives Visual Thinking and Community, or Filmmaking and Video Production 1. This course must be taken concurrently with the senior English elective Criticism I.
  • Introduction to Acting Technique

    Arts Elective

    Students engage in exercises that focus on building a character vocally, physically and psychologically. Acting exercises created by theatre greats like Jacques LeCoq, Konstantin Stanislavski, Uta Hagen and others are explored through improvisation and prepared performance projects. Students also apply Stanislavski's character and scene analysis techniques to short elliptical scenes from 20th and 21st century American Theatre. Film acting is also explored. 

    Suggested prerequisites for this course are Foundations of the Arts: Play Making and Play Building.
  • Orchestra

    For Grades 9-12

    A year-long commitment, Orchestra is open to players of string, wind, brass and percussion instruments who have demonstrated proficiency on their instrument. Music from baroque, classical, romantic and the Modern era is performed. Developing aesthetic sensitivity, the proper technique, timing, tone and interpretation are stressed. Each student is evaluated in a weekly lesson lab. Performances include a minimum of two instrumental concerts.

    The Jazz Band, an extracurricular activity, meets twice weekly after school to prepare for performances throughout the year.
  • Photography

    Arts Elective for Grades 11 and 12

    The photography course takes the application of image reproduction and photographic techniques and applies them to the very simple and complex techniques available to us. The course starts with black-and-white traditional darkroom photography for the first quarter, branching out in the second, third and fourth quarters to introduce digital imaging, electronic transmission, studio photography, photojournalism and image analysis and criticism. Emphasis is placed on development of a photographic portfolio that includes at least 25 quality works.

    Students are encouraged to have either a 35mm camera or a digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera for this class.
  • Songwriting

    Arts Elective for Grade 10

    This class is open to any student who enjoys popular American music. Students will foster their own personal musical style while developing skills in melody, harmony, music theory and arranging and writing lyrics. Students are not required to know how to play an instrument to take this course. Other class time will be spent in creative activities and discussion, listening to and discussing American popular music since 1950, and working to understand songwriting fundamentals and the connection between emotion, imagination and song.

    We will use GarageBand, instruments, iPads, voices and ther technological devices to record, create and arrange music. Students should expect to participate in group discussions, group projects, individual presentations, reading and article evaluations and field trips to evaluate and discuss the evolution of music in America.
  • String Orchestra

    A year-long commitment, Orchestra is open to entering 9th grade players of string instruments, as well as 10th-12th grade students as a continuation of ensemble based musical exploration and performance. Developing aesthetic sensitivity, philosophy of Art, cultural anthropology, proper left- and right-hand technique, timing, tone, interpretation, and cultural context are stressed. Emphasis is placed on collaboration, critical thinking, theoretical analysis, and a deeper understanding of ensemble-based synergy. Orchestral literature is varied and challenging, ranging from classical western art music to popular/cinematic styles. Specialized modules and individual musicianship evaluations will occur in a weekly lesson lab. Performances include a minimum of two instrumental concerts.
  • Study and Practice in Creativity

    Arts Elective for Grade 12

    This full-year course focuses on each student practicing creativity and taking a hands-on approach to the processes used by creative role models in many fields. This course is for seniors who have not had a junior year of arts or who have limited experience. Projects and class activities that encourage creative collaboration between peers is a fundamental method of learning. This interdisciplinary course provides the students with opportunities to engage in many creative projects. Additionally, students practice yoga fundamentals and stress reduction techniques. A relaxed mind is a creative mind. Artistic journaling, jewelry making, and reading about the creative process and creative individuals show students that we are all creative and have more unrecognized or unexplored skills to express these ideas than we realize. Creativity found in the arts, science, writing and leadership is explored through media and internet resources.
  • Wind Symphony

    A year-long commitment, Wind Symphony is open to ninth grade players of Woodwind, Brass and Percussion instruments, as well as 10th-12th grade students as a continuation of ensemble-based musical exploration and performance. Developing aesthetic sensitivity, philosophy of Art, cultural anthropology, proper embouchure technique and finger dexterity, timing, tone, interpretation and cultural context are stressed. Emphasis is placed on collaboration, critical thinking, theoretical analysis and a deeper understanding of ensemble-based synergy. Wind literature is varied and challenging, ranging from classical western art music to 9 popular/cinematic styles. Specialized modules and individual musicianship evaluations will occur in a weekly lesson lab. Performances include a minimum of two instrumental concerts

Our Faculty

  • Photo of Kristen Kelley
    Kristen Kelley
    Chair of Arts Department, Instructor of Upper School Theatre
  • Photo of Kari Achatz
    Kari Achatz
    Instructor of Upper School Visual Arts, AP Art & Design
  • Photo of Jessica Block
    Jessica Block
    Instructor of Upper School Choir and Music
  • Photo of Ryan Bryggman
    Ryan Bryggman
    Instructor of Upper School Visual Arts, Coach of Varsity Boys Baseball, Varsity Girls Basketball
  • Photo of Elaine Gardner
    Elaine Gardner
    Instructor of Middle and Upper School Performing Arts
  • Photo of Cory Shelton
    Cory Shelton
    Dean of Junior Class, Instructor of Upper School Band, AP Music Theory
  • Photo of Curt Steinzor
    Curt Steinzor
    Technical Director FPAC Theatre
  • Photo of Alexander Verstraete
    Alexander Verstraete
    Instructor of Middle and Upper School Instrumental Music

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Nichols School is a nationally recognized college preparatory coed independent school with a 130-year history.
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